“Dramatic teahouse” unheard of! A rakugo musical that you can watch while eating Japanese sweets at home!


At “Dramatic Chaya”, which is under the supervision of the planning and production of this work, we will send a musical based on Rakugo by remote live delivery. All tickets come with a set of sweets and tea from Shochiku Ume. By delivering them to your home, it becomes an “experience-based entertainment” where you can enjoy delicious food and watch rakugo musicals. From July 4th, the first seat in the series “Singing Shibahama” has been performing long runs at a pace of 4-5 performances per week. The performance of “Singing Shinigami” will start in the middle of August.

In a remote play, "Because it's a time like this, laugh and heal people with rakugo musicals!"

Originally, I was planning to rent a Japanese-style room and perform in a setting similar to a teahouse, but it did not happen due to the influence of the coronavirus. However, without giving up, he continued his creative work and practice with all remotes, saying, “Because it’s a time like this, to make people laugh and heal with rakugo musicals!” A new form of drama called “remote drama” that attracted attention during its self-restraint. In addition to the remote play, “Dramatic Chaya” offers Japanese sweets and tea.

There are many people who are not yet used to remotes, but we are receiving applications from customers of a wide range of generations and regions. In fact, the other day’s performance was attended by guests from Hokkaido in the north and Fukuoka in the south. In the famous product, “Okamasu Corner,” the chat box will be filled with comments from customers such as “Okamasu!” And with the performers, you can have a bite of Japanese sweets… You can share such a wonderful time even if you are away from “Dramatic Chaya”.

The basis of the story is a number of masterpieces of rakugo. The first seat in the series is “Shibahama”. In pursuit of Japanese traditional music and pop music, Shinomai Kawashima, who has a reputation for creating new music, was invited as a composer and made into “Singing Shibahama”. The second seat currently being created, “Singing Shinigami,” will be composed by Ko Tanaka, who is producing “Poupelle of Chimney Town” in NY as the first Japanese off-Broadway composer. In addition, we plan to create based on “Missing”. Takuya Nagano, who has created many original musicals such as “H12” and “Tsukuribanashi”, has written and written and directed all the works. In addition to Nagano, the music project/singing instruction Shinsuke Takahara, Chia Mimori, a producer/producer, and Kyoji Fukuda, a producer/public relations director, will be in charge of planning and producing this work.

"Dramatic teahouse" where remote creation and training

“Dramatic Chaya” will challenge a long run! Performing a long run is not easy. One of the reasons for this is the difficulty of securing a training hall and theater. “Dramatic Chaya” makes “online” our place of residence. Even if there is no rehearsal hall, you can participate from the space of each performer/staff by performing the creation/rehearsal all remotely. As long as there is a live distribution platform and radio waves, the performance will not be stopped.
By creating such a flexible environment, I think that with more performers and staff, we will be able to remotely create plenty of time to produce and transmit better original works.

We hope that “Dramatic Teahouse” will become “entertainment of laughter and healing that can be experienced at any time” in our lives in situations where we do not know what will happen when there are coronaviruses and natural disasters.

From July 4th, the first seat in the series “Singing Shibahama” has been performing long runs at a pace of 4-5 performances per week. The performance of “Singing Shinigami” will start in the middle of August. While changing the lineup of Japanese sweets, tea, casts and works, “Dramatic Chaya” is open all the time.

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