“KASANEGI” is a traditional craft designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, developed using rare craftsmen such as ebony and rosewood, originally developed by the traditional craftsman of Tokyo Karagi Butsudan and the design unit hitoe. All the materials are used for traditional Karagi Buddhist altars, and the deep shades of black and the bright colors attract the contrast. The sharp edges when cut out give a refined design and the depth of tradition.
The material wood is sliced to a thickness of 1mm, and each piece is layered one by one using the traditional technique of “kneading” to create the accessory parts. A beautiful contrast of the wood layer is created by combining various trees such as ebony and purple, creating an impressive wooden expression as the name of “KASANEGI”.
The traditional decoration technique “Kirigane” will be colored with classical patterns. Kirigane is a skill that cuts and pastes gold nights into patterns according to patterns. If the pattern is drawn with a gold thread with a comma of several millimeters, it is truly a god.
The patterns are “Windmill(風)”, “Chevron(山)”, and “Hexagram(星)”, which can be enjoyed as accessories to add glamor in formal as well as everyday casual scenes.
Product lineup includes 5 types of earrings × 2, necklace, brooch, bowtie,
Each has a beautiful pattern with plating.
・ Stud Earrings / Chevron ・ Windmill / ¥ 12,700 each (excluding tax)
・ Hook Earrings / Chevron ・ Windmill / ¥ 12,700 each (excluding tax)
・ Necklace / Chevron / Windmill / ¥ 15,400 each (excluding tax)
・ Brochels / Windmill & Chevron / Hexagram / ¥ 17,200 each (excluding tax)
・ Bowtie / Windmill & Chevron / Hexagram / ¥ 25,400 each (excluding tax)