A collaboration between Izu’s representative “Komeme-an” and “Tokoro Ten”, and “Tokuzo Maru”, which focuses on fisheries, and a local Japanese confectionery store, “Sweet Sirukoya”. “Tokoten” dessert realized by this double collaboration. “Pokoten” made with only “100% Izu Tengusa” and “100% Izu Deep Sea Water” and carefully selected azuki beans are carefully cooked and carefully kneaded into a special annunciated pork. I used the “Konme-anchu” in the middle of the image, and imagined the figure of the Kimme-dani swimming in the sea.
At first it is packed in the middle of the gold eyes! Next, pack the soft serve! And pack the bottom of the soft ice cream! In addition, during the golden eye, Tokoro Tenten, soft-serve ice cream is mixed to make Anmitsu! As you can see, this is a product that is delicious 4 times, so that tourists can enjoy it while enjoying the memories of their trip.
・Product Name: Kinmejo Tokoro Tenpa
・Price: 630 yen (excluding tax)
・Sale place: Tokuzo Maru direct management store “seafood shop” 9 stores
Hakone Yumoto store, Atami Heiwadori store, Ito station square store, Izukogen store
Yahatano store, Inatori fish bowl store, Inatori Minato store, Shitsuma store, Shimoda station
・URL: http://1930.co.jp/